5 Keys For A Couple To Work

5 keys for a couple to work

Some of the most common problems in psychological counseling today are falling out of love and relationship issues.

Infidelity, jealousy, emotional dependence or bad cohabitation, cause that in the end, the couple ends up breaking up forever.

If we look back, we realize that this was not happening a few years ago.

In the past, couples – for the most part – lasted a lifetime, despite all the adversities they might encounter. This was mainly due to the fact that the woman was almost entirely dependent on the man.

She had not yet joined the working world, so she had to stay with her partner, to take care of the children and take care of the house.

Today the situation has changed a lot. The problem is, this has led to many couples ending their relationships much earlier.

Also, psychological problems resulting from the breakup are much more common.

Some statistics show that today’s couples will not last more than ten years and this is mainly due to poor cohabitation and lack of communication.

While there is no such thing as the perfect couple and this is something we have to embrace, here are some clues that can help you make your relationship work better :

Do not require

If you want your relationship to function, it is very important that you are tolerant of the other person.

Sometimes we demand things from each other as if we were their owner, but in reality, no one belongs to anyone.

We need to be aware that we are human, that we sometimes make mistakes, and that it is much more positive for a couple to be understanding and empathetic with each other.

This does not mean that we cannot suggest to him to act differently, but the fact of having clear the difference between the requirement and the suggestion is essential, for the relationship to be better and for the other to be more. willing to change or modify certain things.


We don’t like being pressured for something, but if it’s suggested to us and made to see the benefits of this change, maybe we’ll take it another way.


Enough of pulling out the old rags from the past

The past is the past and it no longer exists. Therefore, there is no point in stirring something that is already no longer in the couple’s life.

If you have ever been cheated on by your partner and have forgiven them, stop reminding them of their mistake, because it is you who have chosen the option of forgiveness, with all that that entails. Now it’s about continuing to move forward together.

Remember the other is your partner

Sometimes negative emotions and impulses make us forget that the person we are arguing with is the one we have chosen to love and want to spend the rest of our lives with. 

Therefore, always be aware that profanity, insults and contempt abound. You can hurt the person you love a lot and if this happens over and over again, over time they will eventually get fed up with your lack of empathy and tact.


Let’s be aware that there is no need to shout or disrespect, because much more is achieved through calm and respectful dialogue.

Make jokes with everyday problems

Hair in the shower, the toothpaste tube always open, or the clothes closet upside down, shouldn’t be a big deal if we take it with humor.

Many times we tend to dramatize issues that are not important. By giving them such importance, we exaggerate them and turn them into real puzzles.

Of course, it may be uncomfortable for your partner to leave the toilet seat up each time, but it should not be a terrible fact that can go as far as provoking an argument between the two partners.

Remember the first point of this article: suggest but never demand and be tolerant. You have chosen this partner.

Have fun, but never depend on the other.

Having fun and doing nice things as a couple is something fantastic and it is very positive that each partner occasionally surprises the other with something they love  or dream of.

Sometimes it’s good to give in to activities that may not be to our liking, but that will appeal to our partner.

On the other hand, we should never depend on our partner to do what we love.

If he likes to go to football and you hate the sport, it is undesirable that you have to go to the games every Sunday because you can do things separately.

It is simple and at the same time difficult to build a stable relationship. Sometimes visceral reactions take hold of us, and cause us to lose respect, honesty and empathy.

Keep in mind these five keys and put them into practice on a daily basis, in order to develop your relationship in a positive way.

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