5 Great Lessons From Depression

5 big lessons from depression

Depression is never a warning: it can appear at any time.

However, although some symptoms may appear, the difference between the tendency and the pathology is the same as that between being one step away from a deep precipice and falling into it.

It can happen after immense joy or just when we thought we had achieved everything.

A child’s gaze, watching a sunset, or other seemingly comforting everyday events can be the cause of the seizure.

For example, initiating changes in our life or remembering a particular fact of our existence for which there are still points to be resolved. This is where the storm that had been sleeping until then begins.

mujer con cara cubierta sufriendo por la depresión

Depression and learning not to worry

Don’t “worry”. In other words, do not anticipate a concern that generates anxiety without becoming disinterested or apathetic in the face of situations and problems specific to life.

Concern for the future, helplessness in the face of uncertainty and the vagaries of life, often lead us to a state of recurring fear, which can in turn lead to deep depression.

Life can sometimes become confusing and difficult. Thus, it is essential not to depend so much on the circumstances: on what may or may not happen.

The important thing is to believe day after day in our personal structure, because in this way, however difficult a situation may be, we will have the capacity to resolve it and not get stuck in a maze of doubts and doubts. errors. Or even worse, to add additional debt to our lives …

Getting to know who i am

Analyze with good sense my characteristics and my living conditions: offer me the great opportunity to know who I am.

Because if I don’t know myself, then I will be like a leaf in the wind: without direction, or criterion, or power of decision.

Identifying my strengths and weaknesses will allow me to know where I can move forward and where I cannot.

mujer con naturaleza

For example, if depression is driving me towards alcohol or is from alcohol, the worst I can do is walk into a bar and order a drink.

We tend to turn to situations that cause us to fall and put obstacles in our way.

It is important to remain cautious, to have courage and not to deny our weaknesses. This is the first step to not reproducing scenarios that ended badly.

Our existence is filled with processes: some longer than others, depending on the level of complexity of the situation.

So, the one who saves the processes not only loses the great opportunity to learn and to be more autonomous, but also adds an additional debt to himself.

“Happiness” may be the cause of my depression

It is about understanding that life is made up of joys and sorrows, successes and failures and that even in a stage of great “happiness” great disillusion can arise.

Because this “happiness” can be the greatest fallacy of my existence. Worse yet, “happiness” is not a symptom of true well-being. The problem is that sometimes we confuse “euphoria” and “happiness”, the former representing exaltation and the latter representing peace.

We could have it all: professional success, emotional success, etc., and still sink into the deepest depression.

So, sometimes having it all can even be the root cause of this crisis.

Because maintaining, for example, a social status can be expensive. A price that is added to the social welfare bill and which often goes to the detriment of personal well-being.

Trying is worth it

It is possible to come out of this deep depression with the help of a professional and a good circle of social support.

Obviously, a genie coming out of a magic lamp could do nothing about it. Even though it costs us a lot, the goal is worth it. We and our healing are more than enough motives.

mujer subjectando una fresa

These healing processes are usually gradual and difficult. Time seems to pass slowly and a day can seem to last 100 years.

It is necessary to be patient and to know that the great problems in life always require patience.

In these circumstances, changing one or more lifestyle habits in order to get out of this obscure area is essential. Exercising and having several stimulating hobbies is also important in these healing processes.

Sharing different experiences and points of view with others who have suffered from similar conditions can also be very good.

Better yet, avoiding situations that turned you into depression as much as possible will be one of the best allies in your recovery.

Do not make hasty decisions and even less for important aspects

In high risk or crisis situations, it is best to take a break and not make rushed decisions or do something that might even end our existence.

A bad time always passes and the next day life goes on.

If the virtue of solidarity and understanding of the person suddenly arises, this can imply unsuspected moments of tranquility and relaxation.

Own pain can be channeled through generosity in the face of foreign pain. Feeling useful and valued allows you to find an unknown and very pleasant part of yourself.

The suffering and injustices in the world can be a more than valid motivator in setting our goals towards an even bigger goal.

They can be the path to personal fulfillment and a way to heal our wounds, understanding and helping to heal the wounds of others.

Mujer con depresión cubriéndose la cara

In the end, all of this is not an easy thing to achieve and you have to be well prepared to tackle these complex and thorny terrains.

However, it is definitely worth trying: for others and of course for yourself.

We only have one life and it is necessary to do all we can to make it meaningful and go beyond mere survival.

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