5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Mind Control

5 easy ways to increase your mind control

This is called mind control, self-control, or self-control. In all its meanings, it is a more or less false concept. Westerners have a real obsession with control over everything, even themselves. But this is an impossible goal to achieve in its entirety (which does not mean that we have no margin for error).

What you can do is learn to better manage your emotions in a smarter way. It involves, therefore, increasing mental control over our irrational impulses in particular. We all have a sort of wild will within us. It helps us to be reckless, but it also plays bad tricks on us, especially when anger or fear invades us.

“He who conquers others is strong; but whoever conquers himself is more so ”.

-Lao Tzu-

There are ways of taming or channeling its fierce impulses that sometimes invade us. It’s reasonable that they appear every now and then and take the rudder for a few moments. But the real problem arises when the exception becomes the rule. It is then that we must act and apply certain tips to increase mental control. There are simple ways to do this.

1. Self-knowledge increases mind control

We all think we know each other, but that’s not always true. It is true that everyone is defined in a certain way and this definition can change significantly depending on when we do it. But a good portion of people would not know how to identify their deepest motivations or explain the motivations which lead them to certain behaviors, or which prevent them from adopting them.

It is not uncommon to hear expressions like “I was not myself” when someone does something that can be disapproved of. But yet, yes, it was that person. What is happening is that she might not know herself as much as she thinks she does. Increasing your self-knowledge allows you to increase your mental control. We know which situations we can tackle more successfully and which ones require more care.

2. Deactivate the autopilot

Going on automatic pilot is going through life without focusing too much on things, in a distant dimension of what is happening. We move from thought to thought and behavior to behavior. We feel that life is dragging us, even if we don’t really know where.

3. Learn to “stop”

Learning to turn off the impulse of an emotion is not easy. Especially if you were educated in an environment that did not place much importance on impulse control. Perhaps you come from a violent family or one with a very strong hysterical dynamic. In this case, you may have internalized this behavior without realizing it and you are unable to control yourself when a very intense emotion takes hold of you.

Learning to regulate these overwhelming emotions and to express them the way you want is a big step forward. Basically, it is only a habit that is acquired, complex certainly, because our brain – or more concretely our prefrontal cortex – is not completely developed for this, until we are beyond adolescence. .

This management has a link with a choice: to let the emotion unblock or to remain quiet while the hurricane passes. By doing this, we gain a lot, especially in the area of ​​social relations.

4. Chew and digest the frustration

Who hasn’t experienced frustration before? That feeling that reality does not adjust to our expectations, which arises when, despite our best efforts, we do not achieve the desired result. Small frustrations, great frustrations … A love that did not come to pass, a vocation that did not come to fruition, money that was missing …

The reasons can be very many. We are all immersed in a reality that forces us to constantly give up. It’s normal. But some accept it, and others do not.

It is not easy to learn to accept, chew and digest frustration. If we don’t, anger quickly takes hold of our hearts and eventually takes over our mind and our life. It is also easy to become cranky, to be one of those people who flare up at the slightest event that upsets them. Don’t let frustration cause you to behave like this.

5. Get out of your comfort zone

Getting out of your comfort zone brings immense benefits. One of the most important is that it helps us to be more flexible and adaptable. It also stimulates the development of our intelligence, both logical and emotional. Eventually, almost without realizing it, as if it was a side effect of our attitude, we become more tolerant and in control of our own emotions.

We are not machines and we do not always “work” well all the time. The subject of mind control should always be taken as something relative, especially when it puts a lot of pressure on us. What is certain is that the control of our emotions increases when anxiety decreases and especially when we have learned strategies to know how to express the energy that accompanies the emotion in the most suitable way for our interests and for those of those around us.

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