5 Chinese Proverbs About Love

5 Chinese proverbs about love

We prepare our hair every day. Why not our hearts?

This Chinese proverb is one of the simplest and most symbolic concerning our romantic relationships. Usually, we all take some time in the morning in front of the mirror to get ready. We put on clothes we love, we fix our hair and we prepare our best smile.

It is not difficult to appear. Every day, people spend hours and hours improving the image they send back in the mirror. But, what if we decided to prepare our hearts more?

Have you ever wondered what your life would be like if you spent less time worrying about your appearance and focusing more on your personal relationships? This is where the wisdom and intelligence of this Chinese proverb is found. He seeks to invite us to take more care of our inner life, rather than focusing only on our physical.

With deep feelings, deep consequences

Life goes by at full speed. We are exposed to an incredible amount of information, to constant stimuli. But there is one thing that does not change: love. The deeper it is, the more its consequences will be.

This is one of the most beautiful Chinese proverbs about love, because it tells us about the exceptional consequences that our feelings can have. The deeper and more sincere they are, the sweeter and more lasting their fruits will be.

This is a maxim that we must remember in this world that swears by instantaneity and ephemeral. Use and throw away, that’s what we do most of the time. However, this proverb is there to remind us, if we have forgotten it, that the long-term consequences are far more beneficial than the advantages of the moment.

The heart never speaks, but you have to listen to it to understand it

It is obvious that our heart is not able to speakā€¦ but, the one who knows how to listen does not need words to understand. All too rarely do we manage to let ourselves be carried away by what we are feeling. However, sometimes we have to be less cerebral and untie the knots of our reason.

This proverb makes sense. Trying to explain in words what we are feeling is not always easy. It is much easier to let yourself be carried away by them. If we constantly use our logic, we can miss out on a lot of who we are.


Love is not begging for it, it has to be earned

When we have to ask for something that we feel, we might be doing it wrong. We cannot beg for someone’s love, at the risk of facing sure failure.

However, if you make yourself worthy of another person’s love, your chances of success will be much greater. Stop asking others to love you. Love them and be worthy of their deepest feelings.


Whoever is afraid of suffering suffers from what he is afraid of

This last Chinese proverb is not only centered on love, but it concerns it directly. You certainly know lots of people who don’t dare to start a relationship for fear of suffering too much.

This wise maxim sheds light on this situation. If we are afraid of suffering, we are already suffering from this pain that we want to avoid. Our own fear, whether of loving, undertaking, or venturing on new paths, is a world of negativity that causes us more fear.

The Chinese proverbs on love transmit to us, in a few words, an ancestral wisdom. Our reality and our life depend only on us. If we are fearful we will not dare to move forward, we will stay distant and superficial, we will not listen to our heart and we will not meet people who will make us happy. -his. These popular maxims are there to remind us. Our happiness is in our hands. We need to love and enjoy our life to the fullest.

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