5 Benefits Of Spirulina For Your Brain

5 benefits of spirulina for your brain

Spirulina is a cyanobacterium which owes its name to its spiral shape. It is greenish due to the presence of chlorophyll. It has many beneficial properties for the body such as: amino acids, proteins, vitamins and minerals.

It is a very healthy supplement that does not contain any type of chemicals. It is also easily digested by humans and causes a strong feeling of fullness for an extended period of time.

Millions of people around the world use spirulina as a food supplement in their diet by following the recommendations of the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization (WHO). They recommend  the use of this supplement against malnutrition in humanitarian emergencies to achieve sustainable development.

The benefits of spirulina on the body have been known since ancient times. More precisely, the study of the benefits of spirulina appeared following a publication in 1940 by the French psychologist Dangeard. This study pointed out that the inhabitants living on the shores of Lake Chad in Africa, although living in a rather hostile environment due to the lack of food, were strong, well developed and did not fall ill.

Later studies showed that these Africans ate a food made up of a kind of sun-dried green cake. The analysis of nutrients made it possible to discover spirulina. A super food that provides vitamins, minerals, amino acids and protein in large quantities.

spirulina spoon

It improves memory

The ingestion of spirulina helps to improve memory capacity. Indeed,  it helps protect the cognitive system and stimulates the functioning of the brain and nervous system. It helps promote general well-being and balance the nervous system. It therefore helps reduce mood swings and stress.

It relaxes the brain

One of the main ingredients in spirulina is tryptophan. The function of the latter is to synthesize proteins and stabilize the nervous system. Tryptophan is an amino acid that helps the body secrete serotonin, the hormone of happiness. By acting as a precursor of serotonin, it therefore regulates mood, stress and appetite.

In addition, tryptophan is essential for the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone essential to regulate the cycles of sleep and wakefulness, to help us sleep better. The body cannot produce it on its own. It must therefore be ingested through food. Having good tryptophan levels is therefore considered to help prevent disorders such as insomnia, depression and anxiety.

It is a brain neuroprotector

The interest generated by spirulina as a  neuroprotector for preventing and treating a large number of diseases  associated with the cognitive system,  such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and concussion-related syndromes, is increasingly important. .

Recent scientific studies have shown that toxins and heavy metals accumulate in the brain throughout life.  They inhibit good brain function and lead to feared cognitive diseases.

Spirulina, due to its high chlorophyll content, is an important agent in removing heavy metals and toxins from cells.  It helps us improve brain functions. It protects neurons from possible damage due to their free radical content. Recent experiences tend to link spirulina to symptom improvement in patients with Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s disease. Their conclusions are not yet known, however.

spirulina powder and tablets

Spirulina reduces the risk of embolisms

We refer to the lack of blood flow to the brain when we talk about cerebral embolism or ischemia. This generates a lack of oxygen which can cause a stroke. Ten seconds of blood flow interruptions in the brain are enough to cause unconsciousness and cause serious health consequences.

A study carried out by the Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology of India, found that a small daily dose of spirulina has a protective effect on the nervous system of rodents exposed to large amounts of free radicals, compared to rats without not absorbed spirulina during the experiment. This laboratory test shows the promising effect of spirulina on the prevention of embolisms.

It provides vital energy

Spirulina acts as a sports supplement. It has the power to help our muscles recover faster after exercise is over. It also acts as a powerful antioxidant.

Its daily intake reduces fatigue,  both for athletes and for those who have always followed a sedentary lifestyle and who are starting to exercise. Spirulina can allow you to forget your limits, thus improving the result of our training.

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