45 Sentences To Help You Improve Your Communication With Your Children

45 phrases to help you improve your communication with your children

As we already know, the most important for our children’s education are the words we use when communicating with them.

We are human beings and we often get carried away by our emotions, which makes us say and do negative things that are not suited to the development of our children.

To fight against this, we are going to suggest that you replace the negative expressions that we use most often with more positive and practical ones.

We invite you to use them and see the changes they can produce when you use them with your children.

Using these phrases can be done in more adult relationships, as they help us to be clearer with others and they can be of great help in communicating better.

  • Do not scream. – Speak a little less loudly.
  • Don’t eat so fast! – Chew your food well.
  • You still made a mess, not possible! – Clean your room, please.
  • How long am I going to have to wait for you? – It’s time to go, hurry up.
  • Where do you think you are going? – Please come down.
  • You are going to fall. – Be careful.
  • You are going to regret it ! – Be careful what you do.
  • You will slide! – Be careful where you step.
  • You will be soaked! – Take an umbrella and put on your boots.
  • Do not run. – Walk more slowly.
  • Do not rush ! – You still have time ahead of you.
  • I am trying to talk to you ! – Listen to me please.
  • Come on, finish what you’re doing! – You have to finish what you are doing, time is up.
  • How many times do I have to tell you again? – Please do what I asked you.
  • I don’t know how to tell you things anymore! – Let’s find a solution that works for both of us.
  • You are deaf ? – Listen to me please.
  • You are blind ? – Pay more attention to what you do please.
  • You have no shame ? – Think about what you just did.
  • Don’t talk like that! – In our family, we don’t talk that way.
  • I told you – Learn from this situation and you won’t make the same mistake again.
  • You can’t do it! – Try, because if you don’t try, you won’t know what you’re capable of.
  • I do not know ! – Let’s think about it together.
  • You’re wrong ! – It’s your opinion.
  • I told you no! – I gave you my opinion and I’m not going to change it.
  • Because I’m telling you! – It’s a decision your parents made.
children playing at the park
  • No sweets! – Sweet foods are eaten for dessert.
  • You finished basking me with that! – I don’t want to talk about it now, we’ll talk after dinner.
  • Do you realize what time it is? – It’s late, it’s time to sleep.
  • And you think I’m not tired? – I understand you, we are all tired.
  • You’ll see ! – I am very disappointed and if I acted without thinking we would both regret it.
  • Stop dragging around in my paws! – Do what you have to do. When I’m done, we’ll do something together.
  • You are crazy ? – I’m very surprised and I don’t like what you did.
  • It’s overpriced! – We have already planned to make other purchases.
  • Turn off the TV! – The TV is overheating, it needs a little rest.
  • Do what you have to do! – First, fulfill your obligations and then you can play.
  • I wasn’t like that when I was a kid. – You could be wrong, but you must learn from your mistakes and stop making them.
  • When I was a child, there was none of that. – I was happy without having this toy when I was a child.
  • Stop crying for nonsense! – I understand that it is important for you, we will see what we can do.
  • Calm down ! – Relax and we can find a solution.
  • Look where you step! – Be careful and watch your step carefully.
  • No one will want to be your friend! – Who would you like to be friends with?
  • You are going to get sick! – If you get sick, you will have to stay at home and you will not be able to do what you like.
  • You understand nothing ! – What don’t you understand?
  • You are ungrateful! – We work a lot so that you don’t miss anything. Do not disappoint us in this way.


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