4 Tips For Connecting With The People You Love

4 tips for connecting with the people you love

Every relationship begins with a connection. This is how friendships start and love grows.

Knowing how to connect helps us to be better friends, better lovers, better parents, better colleagues, better leaders.

Knowing how to connect allows us to create a greater impact in the lives of others and greatly enriches our own life.

Connecting also allows us to grow in our careers, because it helps us reach out to others, whether to encourage our colleagues at work or to communicate more effectively.

At first, connecting with people who are like us is relatively easy. When you have common interests and similar personalities, it is quite easy to create that connection.

However, connecting with people who are very different from us can be quite difficult.

However, we don’t always want to bond with people with whom it is easy to connect.

In fact, often you have to deal with people that it can be difficult to connect with, but doing so is fundamental.

A good relationship with a co-worker, a boss, a client, a child, a student, a neighbor, even with our own companion / companion can depend on this.

How to connect with everyone you know

Being skilled and making connections will allow you to start your relationships on the right foot, to resolve any problems that may arise or at least to facilitate their resolution, and to move forward in your personal and professional lives by having more chances of success.

Read the rest of this article, and you will discover different effective ways to do this.

Pay attention to others

Something as simple as listening to or paying attention to each other can be the secret to connecting with that person from the first moment, or to nurturing the connection.

When you actively listen to each other, you send them a clear message: you are important to me.

But when you don’t listen or it seems like you don’t, the other will get the opposite message: you don’t matter to me, you aren’t important enough to me that I stop doing what I’m doing and giving you my full attention.

For listening to be active and appear to be active, it is best that you seek out and maintain a visual connection with the other person.

People who look in the eye can connect better with others because this is how one shows interest, respect and self-confidence.


Additionally, it’s important that you ignore every external element that threatens to interrupt the conversation.

For example, instead of answering the phone or seeing if by chance you haven’t received a message, put the device on silent. If someone asks for you, kindly tell them to wait.

Look for feedback and ask questions

To improve your ability to connect with others, it is important that you find feedback.

One effective way to do this is to ask questions. Questions that focus on knowing the other are a good way to do this, since people like to talk about themselves.

When you give others the opportunity to talk about themselves and you actively listen to them, you also give them the opportunity to open up to you, to share the best of themselves, to show themselves as such. they are or as they want others to know them.

Even if you don’t tell anything about yourself or speak little, the other person will feel like they’ve had a great conversation with you.

Even if they know next to nothing about you, the other will feel like they have a lot in common with you.

Remember his name

We all know someone who has trouble remembering other people’s first names. But don’t forget them, it’s a good way to connect with others.

If it is difficult for you to hold them back, then do all you can to fix them.

Remembering the name of the person you are talking to is essential for making them feel important as well as being able to create an effective connection.

When you call people by name, you send them a message of concern, respect and trust.

When you call someone by name, you make them feel important. And when people feel important, they are more open and receptive.


“A person’s name is the sweetest and most important sound they can hear”.

-Dale Carnegie-


Don’t pretend you know everything and worry about others

By talking with others, sometimes you can want to show that you are educated and cultivated. It can be difficult for some people to admit that something is being taught to them during a conversation.

It can be a barrier to admit advice, or to improve one’s abilities. There are many who can then see you as a person who lacks humility.

To achieve effective connection, it is best for us that we are aware of our ego and that we are in control of the way we behave.

It is necessary to be willing to learn from others. When talking to others, don’t pretend you know everything.

Instead of focusing on demonstrating something, instead do what you can to worry about the other person, adding value to their words, being supportive and positive, offering support and help. .

Let the other person know that you appreciate him, that he is important to you and that you care for him. Small details like remembering a date is a very effective way to connect with others.

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