3 Keys To Get Out Of A Co-dependent Relationship

3 keys to getting out of a co-dependent relationship

A co-dependent relationship is one in which the members of the couple are addicted to mutual dependence and need to constantly care about each other in order to feel good. In other words, people forget about themselves and focus all of their attention on the other. The main problem is that this type of relationship is based on insecurity. It is therefore extremely important to get out of a co-dependent relationship because it is also based on fear, dependence, low self-esteem and sadness.

The main support for this type of relationship is emotional dependence, this extreme and continuous emotional need to be present for the other and to be nothing without them. In fact, due to the low self-esteem of the two people involved, the only source of happiness can only come from the other. Most of their life will revolve around their relationship. It will therefore be very difficult – even impossible – for them to develop their personal life beyond the other person.

We are now going to reveal to you some keys to getting out of a co-dependent relationship. This way, you will be able to better recognize the source of the problem and know what to do if you find yourself in this situation.

End -or-no- the relationship

The best thing to do first is to recognize the decisions that have been made throughout the relationship. This first step  will be based on the analysis of the path we have followed so far, in the most objective way possible. The idea is to assess whether you are staying with your partner because you want to or because you don’t want to hurt them. You must realize that you are not responsible for this person.

If you realize that this relationship is no longer bringing you anything,  you must end it. In these types of relationships, people neglect their own needs. When it comes to getting out of a co-dependent relationship,  you need to be strong  and understand that this is the best option for both people.

co-dependent relationship

To put an end to the relationship, a dialogue with the other person will be necessary. You can explain to him the problems that the situation brings to you and tell him why the best option is to put an end to it. Your best bet is to act calmly because the other person is unlikely to agree with this decision. If you stay calm, you can better deal with an angry or sad reaction from the other.

Coping with the behaviors of the co-dependent relationship

Once the break is over, it will be necessary to analyze the positive aspects of the relationship. If you think about it more calmly and with hindsight,  you will find that it was preventing you from growing. In general, after coming out of a co-dependent relationship, people feel happier. The more time passes, the more energy they have. It helps to stay adamant about the breakup.

It is also usual to feel a feeling of abandonment. Breaking a dynamic in which one person was continually caring for another involves the development of a certain daily void. If you find that these feelings are very intense, then going  to therapy will probably be of great help in dealing with them.

Also, ending the relationship will give you the opportunity to start meeting your own needs. This is something you couldn’t do before. Now, you can devote yourself fully to yourself, without another person having to tell you how important you are.

Dealing with the repercussions of separation

Finally, to avoid relapsing into relationship addiction, you will need to create a physical distance with the other person. You need to avoid spending time with her and worry about your own needs. For this, we recommend that you, for example, move to another location or get to know other people.

There is nothing abnormal about the sadness and discomfort that you will feel in the face of this breakup. You will have to accept them.  Feeling all of these emotions, instead of suppressing them, is essential to keep moving forward. By doing this, you will avoid falling into states of mistrust and fear of other people or other relationship possibilities.

woman sad because of a co-dependent relationship

The sadness and discomfort will gradually disappear  and the satisfaction of your needs will bring you more and more happiness. However, being able to count on people you trust is essential to turn this page. So the best thing to do will be to spend time with your family and friends. These can help you in difficult times or when you have to make a complicated decision.

In conclusion, remember that it is important to spend time with yourself to deal with everything that has happened and to deal with your own emotional world. If you act this way, you can heal your wounds, regain your self-esteem, and prepare yourself to be happy, whether that’s being single or starting a new relationship.


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